East Sussex
Conyboro, Deadmantree Hill
Distance (S) from Greenwich
OS map detailsOS Explorer: 122
OS grid refTQ 40598.14299
WGS84 lat/long50.911043, -0.001481
TypeSchool | Plaque (plinth) | Sundial
Marking date1984
Greenwich Meridian Marker; England; East Sussex; Cooksbridge


Currently viewing images from 09 May 2011
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09 May 2011

Additional picture credits
Steve J. Ridley (9 May 2011).

Two plaques were reported by the Sussex Express as having been unveiled at a fete at Conyboro School on Saturday 23 June 1984. The school, a boarding school for ‘emotionally disturbed boys and girls’ has since been closed. It occupied Conyboro House, a former manor house, now divided into flats. The plaque shown here is one of the bronze ‘centenary’ plaques that were available that year by subscription. There is no information available as to the nature or location of the second plaque, but it seems likely that it was one of the plastic 'centenary' plaques distributed by the now defunct English Tourist Board. The sundial is a mass produced design of poor quality. In the same week, a similar dial was placed on the Meridian at Swavesey School roughly 150 Km to the north.