West Sussex
East Grinstead
N side of: Estcots Drive
Distance (S) from Greenwich
OS map detailsOS Explorer: 135
OS grid refTQ 39936.38325
WGS84 lat/long51.127119, -0.001629
TypeMarker 'stone'
Marking date2000
Greenwich Meridian Marker; England; West Sussex; East Grinstead


Currently viewing images from 17 Jun 2007
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13 Oct 2015
22 Sep 2010
19 Oct 2008
17 Jun 2007
25 Mar 2005
23 Jan 2005

The Meridian’s route across the town of East Grinstead was marked for the first time in the year 2000 when more than a dozen markers like this one were erected. Manufactured by Ibstock (whose name is pressed into their rear), they come in two different versions: a north facing one (with east on the left and west on the right); and a south facing one (with east on the right and west on the left). Although some roads (such as this one) have a marker on both sides, others have either no marker or just a single one. Markers were also set up ‘off road’ in a number of other locations.