LB Lewisham
Downham (BR1)
Bonus Pastor Catholic College, Winlaton Road
Distance (S) from Greenwich
OS map detailsOS Explorer: 162 or 162
OS grid refTQ 39028.71661
WGS84 lat/long51.426910, -0.001639
TypeSchool | Ground (compass rose)
Marking date2000?
AccessRestricted, but visible from public road
Greenwich Meridian Marker; England; LB Lewisham; Downham (BR1)


Currently viewing images from 12 Apr 2009
Click to choose image set
26 Sep 2015
21 Aug 2011
12 Apr 2009

On 23 December 2010, contracts were exchanged to rebuild the school on the same site under a PFI initiative. The scheme was completed in 2013. The new buildings were erected before the old ones were demolished. The compass rose was removed from its original position in early 2011 and re-laid in 2012 on the path leading from the road to the main entrance of the new building. In its new location the marking is about 20 metres to the south and 4 metres to the east of where it was before. The coordinates given above are those of its original location.