LB Lewisham
Catford (SE6)
Sandhurst Junior School, Ardgowan Road
Distance (S) from Greenwich
OS map detailsOS Explorer: 162 or 162
OS grid refTQ 39040.73468
WGS84 lat/long51.443145, -0.000757
TypeSchool | Ground (line)
Marking dateUnknown
AccessRestricted, but originaly visible from public road. Mark no longer present
Greenwich Meridian Marker; England; LB Lewisham; Catford (SE6)


Currently viewing images from 16 Aug 2007
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03 Oct 2015
21 Aug 2011
10 May 2009
02 Mar 2008
16 Aug 2007

Although the WGS84 meridian runs through the school site near its eastern boundary, this mosaic was created to celebrate the school’s proximity to the Airy Meridian. As such, it is located between the two, close to the site’s western boundary.

Working with artists from Art Express, children from the school researched the countries through which the Meridian passes and designed mosaics to represent them. The whole school visited an exhibition of the designs and chose the ones they would like to see in the playground. When it came to making the mosaics, parents joined the children on the project. The marking was built over when the school was extended in 2012.