LB Greenwich
Greenwich (SE10)
Trinity Hospital, Old Woolwich Road
Distance (N) from Greenwich
OS map detailsOS Explorer: 161 or 162
OS grid refTQ 38862.78074
WGS84 lat/long51.484578, -0.001509
TypePlaque (wall)
Marking date1984
AccessNone. Mark no longer present
Greenwich Meridian Marker; England; LB Greenwich; Greenwich (SE10)


Currently viewing images from 14 Apr 2005
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29 May 2007
14 Apr 2005

To commemorate the Meridian’s ‘centenary’ in 1984, three linked markings were made on or under the pergola that once stood on the path running centrally along the axis of the grounds. From south to north they were: 1) a Meridian plaque (as distributed by the English Tourist Board) on the side of the pergola, 2) a white painted line across the path and 3) a time capsule capped by an engraved brass plate. The time capsule was buried on 13 October by the Master of Trinity Hospital, Mr JGP Wathen. It contains a message from Prince Philip and was buried in a stone chamber probably dating from Tudor times that had been accidentally unearthed while digging its resting place. Earlier in the year, the warden Derek Smith and his wife had stated their intention of planting a line of flowers along the Line, but it is not know if this ever materialised.

In 2005, work started on a new building at the south end of the grounds between the pergola and Old Woolwich Road. Nearing completion in May 2007, it was occupied later that year, when the pergola was also dismantled, the stone supporting piers being initially reduced in height to under one metre. Between March 2008 and March 2009, the piers were removed entirely prior to resurfacing work. After some delay, the white line was reinstated. The plaque was retained with a view to remounting it elsewhere.

Trinity Hospital – brief history