LB Greenwich
Greenwich (SE10)
Thames Path
Distance (N) from Greenwich
OS map detailsOS Explorer: 161 or 162
OS grid refTQ 38805.80141
WGS84 lat/long51.503166, -0.001517
TypeSustrans national cycle network post | Sculpture
Marking date2001
Greenwich Meridian Marker; England; LB Greenwich; Greenwich (SE10)


Currently viewing images from 02 Mar 2008
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05 Jul 2017
26 May 2015
29 Sep 2011
10 Sep 2009
02 Mar 2008
29 May 2007
16 Oct 2005
10 Apr 2005
20 Oct 2004
27 Oct 2001

Additional picture credits
David Riddle (27 Oct 2001).

Designed by David Dudgeon, this is an example of one of the four types of millennium milepost used on the national cycle network. 1000 millennium mileposts were installed in total. The other mileposts were designed by Iain McColl, Andrew Rowe and Jon Mills who also created the Meridian Gateway at Waltham Abbey (to the north). They are made of cast iron.

Following the closure of the Millennium Dome to the public on 31 December 2000, this section of the Thames path was opened on 18 September 2001. The milepost is one of just two located on the Meridian. The other is just over 70 miles to the north.

National cycle network millennium mileposts
David Dudgeon