Meridian Wood, Heath Road
Distance (N) from Greenwich
OS map detailsOS Explorer: 225
OS grid refTL 36141.74806
WGS84 lat/long52.354350, -0.002605
Marking date2000
Greenwich Meridian Marker; England; Cambridgeshire; Bluntisham


Currently viewing images from 02 Jun 2007
Click to choose image set
05 Sep 2011
08 Aug 2009
05 Jul 2008
02 Jun 2007
01 Jun 2006
03 Apr 2005

Although the original intention had been that a sundial would form a centrepiece of Meridian Wood when it was planted in 2000, a permanent marking was a long time coming! By April 2005, the positions for the marks of an analemic dial had been pegged and by June 2006, the dial had been temporarily marked with pieces of white melamine coated chipboard which had been set into the ground. By June 2007, damp had got into the chipboard and some of the hour marks were beginning to disintegrate. When the grass has been cut, the site makes a perfect spot on which to pitch a tent, as can be seen in the 2009 image set! The dial was eventually marked out in stone in about 2010. With its good horizons to the south, the site is well located for viewing the Meridian Laser which is fired at night from the Observatory some 60 miles to the south. Be warned though, it is only visible under exceptional conditions.

Meridian Wood