N side of: Whittlesey Road
Distance (N) from Greenwich
OS map detailsOS Explorer: 227
OS grid refTL 35691.97033
WGS84 lat/long52.554231, -0.000029
TypeSustrans national cycle network post | Sculpture | Ground (line)
Marking datec. 2000?
Greenwich Meridian Marker; England; Cambridgeshire; Turves


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25 Sep 2011
05 Jul 2008

Designed by Scottish sculptor Iain McColl, this is an example of one of the four types of millennium milepost used on the national cycle network. 1000 millennium mileposts were installed in total. The other mileposts were designed by David Dudgeon, Andrew Rowe and Jon Mills who also created the Meridian Gateway at Waltham Abbey (to the south).They are made of cast iron. At the bottom of the post it is incorrectly recorded that the Millennium Dome is 95 miles to the south as the crow flies. The figure has been overstated by just under 20 miles. The post stands on Route 63 which runs from Burton on Trent in the west to Wisbech in the east. The milepost is one of just two located on the Meridian. The other is on the Thames Path next to the Millennium Dome.

National cycle network millennium mileposts
Iain McColl