Holbeach Clough
W side of: footpath (Washway Road to Roman Bank)
Distance (N) from Greenwich
OS map detailsOS Explorer: 249
OS grid refTF 34760.26883
WGS84 lat/long52.822640, -0.001543
TypeTree | MTL | MTL disc(s)
Marking date27 Feb 1998
AccessUnrestricted. MTL disc no longer present
Greenwich Meridian Marker; England; Lincolnshire; Holbeach Clough


Currently viewing images from 27 Feb 1998
Click to choose image set
25 Sep 2011
18 Jun 2008
02 Jun 2007
22 May 2005
27 Feb 1998

An ash tree was planted by the Millennium Tree Line (MTL) project at either end of this footpath, which runs almost due north-south along the Meridian. The planting ceremony took place at 14.30 on Friday 27 February. The invited guests included the local Parish Council Chairman and Clerk. The trees were donated by Crowders Nurseries and marked with MTL discs. A failure to loosen the tree-tie caused this particular tree to become strangled, with subsequent dieback (2005 and 2007 image sets). The post with the MTL disc is now missing.

Crowders Nurseries